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It is our intent that children are inspired by high-quality literature and a range of stimuli, which makes readers engage with and enjoy writing. Writing for a variety of purposes and audiences, the children apply progressively more complex skills to communicate ideas fluently and with interesting detail in a range of genres. We also intend to create writers who can re-read, edit and improve their own writing, and enable pupils to be able to confidently use the essential skills of grammar, punctuation and spelling. We recognise the importance of a wide and varied vocabulary and aim to support our pupils to develop this by explicitly teaching them through demonstration writing and discussion.  We do this so that all of our pupils can confidently apply vocabulary in their own writing to extend detail, add description and chose purposefully for clarity and impact.


At Withymoor, our writing curriculum is based on the National Curriculum and from September 2023, we will use 'The Write Stuff' approach by Jane Considine' alongside high quality texts and other stimuli to drive the teaching of writing to provide exciting and well-structured English lessons.  Children are exposed to a range of experiences, texts and genres, enabling them to develop a deep understanding of how authors develop characters, settings and themes in a text.  They explore the language and literary techniques used by authors and then apply them to their own writing after extensive investigating and modelling of the techniques.

Please see the documents below for more information about 'The Write Stuff' approach and visit your child's class page for more details about the texts they will be using this year.


Having followed the Write Stuff approach to developing their writing skills children should be able to

  • write for a range of purposes including diary entries, persuasive letters, stories, poems and recounts to name but a few.
  • use their knowledge of vocabulary to excite, inform or entertain the reader.
  • understand a range of punctuation and the effect it can have on the reader in both writing and reading.
  • understand and be able to use a range of grammatical devices.
  • understand the various sentence types that can be used to support different genres.
  • spell accurately using their phonetic knowledge and apply spelling rules.
  • to speak clearly, fluently and coherently, to be able to listen attentively with understanding, pleasure and empathy and contribute to group discussions